EasyRoads3D V3 Manual


Release Notes v3.2.3f2




Importing package updates

Please do NOT remove the EasyRoads3D folder before importing a package update. Apart from newly created dynamic and custom connection prefabs, the EasyRoads3D folder also includes assets with project info such as road types, side objects. When you remove the EasyRoads3D folder these assets will be lost. Also make sure to close the Custom Prefab Editor window if currently open before importing a package update.

Additionally, it is also recommended to switch road networks back to Edit Mode or better open an empty scene before importing a package update .

And please always backup your project first. It is recommended to regularly backup your project anyway.


Unity terrain objects


The Runtime API:

The following is only related to scripted road networks created with the runtime API. The below does not affect road networks manually created inside the editor.

In order to preserve the original terrain data, make sure you backup your terrains! In general restoring the terrains works well using RoadNetwork.RestoreRoadNetwork(), but it has occured that the terrain was not restored leaving the road shape in the terrain after exiting Play Mode. This particularly happened when you put focus on the scene view window while in Play Mode!

If you want to create a road network at runtime using the runtime API, it is recommended to check the above using a test terrain or make backups of your terrain(s).


Side Objects and the river example in the demo project / video

In the video the terrain is manually smoothend out at the river edges. In v3 manual terrain changes on areas not affected by roads or other deformation objects are preserved when switching back to Edit Mode. The outer part is not affected by the road, the manual changes will remain visible in the terrain. So be careful with this, only smoothen out the terrain when you are happy with the river shape or when you do not mind to manually make corrections to the terrain after switching back to Edit Mode.


Release Notes:

Please visit our website for beta release notes



- URP 15 support

- Multi terrain tile setup - terrain heightmap changes matching the road network shape with I Connectors on terrain tile edges



- Issues when opening custom and dynamic prefabs in the project folder

- Side Object placement issues with custom X position values when the default X position value is 0

- Miscellaneous other small bugs and improvements


To Do / Current limitations:


- Roundabouts: when adding new connections you can use the position slider to set the position of the new connection on the roundabout. When the current position overlaps another connection the roundabout will not be rebuild, a warning will appear in the console and the left and right side handles will turn red instead of green. When the current position overlaps the start or end index, a similar warning message will appear as well. So stay within "save" ranges from the start (0 index) and end (depends on the resolution and radius). The troubleshooting page includes more on this.